Employee Benefits:
The following employee benefits are provided for the benefit of the Industry.
Building Industry Bargaining Councils (BIBC)
The MBA is a party to two registered Bargaining Councils which enjoy statutory powers to run a number of different benefit funds.
The Bargaining Councils are statutory bodies established in terms of section 27 of the Labour Relations in the Building Industry and provide a forum for Employers organisations (MBA) and Trade Unions (NUM & AUBTW) to negotiations regarding wages and other conditions of employment. The Councils form the sole bargaining forum for the Building Industry within their areas of jurisdiction.
The MBA recommends that members register their employees with the BIBC after 6 months of employment. We also recommend that employees already registed with the BIBC should, wherever possible, remain registered for basic employee benefits.
Medical Aid:
The Building & Construction Industries Medical Aid (BCIMA) was created over 50 years ago specifically for employers and employees in the building and construction industry and offers good value.
BCIMA has a single rate contribution which means that all registered dependants have access to cover which pays for treatments in line with its stipulated annual limits. Members have the freedom to choose any service provider as no network restrictions apply.
A copy of the BCIMA brochure can be found on the BCIMA website at https://www.bcima.co.za