Education and Training

Aims & Objectives


The aims and objectives of the training office is to build the capacity of building companies through skills training and to assist them to get the maximum benefit from the skills levies they pay.  Qualified Skills Development Facilitators assist companies to become self sufficient in the development of their training plans (Workplace Skills Plans) and the implementation thereof, as well as reporting to CETA on previous training being done.  (Annual Training Report).


Skills Development Facilitators engage with our member companies in order to achieve the vision of developing a skilled and motivated construction workforce whose skills are recognised and valued in order to improve competitiveness, employment creation and a sustainable skills base across the entire sector.

In addition, assistance is readily available for:

Do you want to recover some of the SDL levies paid to the CETA via SARS?  

Contact us today to find out how this can be done.



What training do we offer?


The MBA Facilitates a wide range of training courses specifically focussed on the building Industry. These include but are not limited to: 


What must you do?


You are encouraged to contact the MBA's training office and speak to one of our Skills Development Facilitators.  They will assist you in making the right decisions in respect of the training requirements for your company.   





Learnership:  A route for learning and gaining a qualification within the National Qualification Framework (NQF) from Level 1 to 10. Learnership consists of Unit Standards that include both structured work experience (a practical component) and instructional learning (a theory learning component) and relate to an occupation.


Skills Programme:  A selection (portion) of Unit Standards that can result in a qualification.


Apprenticeship:  A route for learning whereby a learner registers as an apprentice with CETA on an artisan trade qualification and spends between 2 and 4 years on an apprenticeship contract linked to a competency based modular learning programme that ends in a trade test.


RPL:  A learner that registers for the Recognition of Prior Learning for an artisan trade qualification, will compile a portfolio of evidence that is assessed. Certification occurs at the successful assessment and moderation of the portfolio of evidence.