Code of Conduct

(Duties and Obligations of Members)


A member shall conduct his business in a just and honourable manner and shall, in his dealings with clients, with members of the Professions, other Contractors and Subcontractors, Suppliers and Employees, maintain at all times the high standard of business integrity required by the Association, by observing the spirit as well as the letter of his contractual obligations.


A member is required to possess the necessary technical qualifications, knowledge and practical experience, or to employ in a position of responsibility a person or persons therewith, to ensure that all work is good quality and is carried out in a workmanlike and economical manner.


A member is expected to organise his business administration effectively to maintain adequate financial resources for the proper discharge of all his contractual obligations, to assist wherever possible with the training of future skilled manpower needs of the Industry and, where applicable, to comply with all wage regulating measures negotiated and entered into between the Association and the Trade Unions.


A member is expected to endeavour to persuade all qualified and suitable firms and individuals to join and strengthen the Association.