Grading of Members

MBA members are graded as follows:

P - Probationary Members:

Members who are serving a period of probation but who are required to adhere to the MBA's Code of Ethics and have satisfied the MBA that they have registered with all relevant statutory bodies.  These members have also provided information to the MBA relating to their qualified management and skilled labour forces as well as important financial information.

S – Standard Members:

Members who after one year of probationary membership have produced satisfactory evidence of statutory registrations, financial capability, integrity, financial and business acumen to render work which is acceptable to the industry.  These members are also subjected to regular health and safety compliance audits.

M – Master Members:

Members who have exceeded standard membership requirements through proof of exemplary workmanship in eight references and have achieved a 3 star safety grading.

A - Associate Members:

Members who supply material or goods or plant or equipment and/or professional services to the building industry.

The codes preceding the names in the alphabetical lists denote:

P - Probationary Members    S – Standard Members    M – Master Members    A - Associate Members