COVID-19 Risk Adjusted Strategy

COVID-19 Risk Adjusted Strategy


Ministers Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and Ebrahim Patel, Ministers of Cogta and Dti briefed the country on the classification of industries as part of the Covid-19 risk-adjusted strategy on reopening of the economy this morning.


The briefing served as the official launch of the Risk Adjusted Strategy and was for public comment and consultation.


The MBA has been participating in an initiative called the Construction COVID-19 Rapid Response Task Team (CC19RRTT) which was spearheaded by Master Builder South Africa and has made significant input towards a safe and responsible return to work for the Building Industry as well as submissions regarding allowing sections of our industry to operate as essential services. Please also refer to previous articles on our website.


There has been much speculation as to which “Alert Level” will apply to construction. Government has initially introduced some manufacturing as well as sections of civil construction under Alert Level 4.


Minister Patel said that some parts of construction are currently at work. Under Level 4 he mentioned the manufacture of cement, construction materials and hardware could resume. He also mentioned civil construction on public works projects like roads and bridges.


It is important to note that this remains open for public comment and consultation and we will be consulting with government on behalf of our members and the Industry.


We would welcome your comments to help inform our further response. Please follows further information via the COVID-19 tab on our website or our News Page


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